
2015-04-30 11:30:00         來源:中國風景園林網(wǎng)     瀏覽次數(shù):



  Delight in Confrontation- Tian Park

  Tian Park is roughly square shaped and entrances and exits have been conveniently located on all four sides of the park. Visitors are able to quickly and easily access the park.

  The park is interconnected with one winding and continuous pathway allowing ease of access to all parts of the park for the enjoyment of visitors.

  A central and circular sunken square located to the north-east allows people to relax and linger for long periods.

  The atmosphere can best be described as both dynamic and static. The park provides an outdoor leisure area suitable for people of all ages. Visitors can choose to either sit or walk and relax or perhaps pursue more physical activities.

  The circular water pond in the centre of the park soaks up the sunshine and allows the fresh air to flow freely whilst the semi-closed forest spaces are more suitable for relaxation.


