
2014-07-04 10:35:00    作者:章俊華     來源:中國風(fēng)景園林網(wǎng)     瀏覽次數(shù):



  The original urban arterial road has been transformed into the main urban axis.

  The white poplars have been retained on both sides of the original road.

  A steel tower to a height of 24 metres was constructed at the centre of the park and this has formed the focus for the greening of the whole park.

  Further, a water feature was constructed along the auxiliary axis of the city at an angle of 19 degrees to the main axis and consists of 19 sections of stepped channel. This feature is very  peaceful and serene yet conveys movement because of the flowing water in the channel.


  In this project, the original flat site which is long and narrow has been restructured into 56 strips of land with differing heights and lengths with the intention of keeping the inherent nature of the original site.

  The water flowing from the top part of the newly constructed stepped channel collects in the arbor planting belt at the lower level and integrates subtle changes with the surrounding environment.


  The arrangement and layout of the newly created strips were distributed over the entire park and  the restructuring has been kept as close as possible to its natural form.

  Trees were planted in a disorderly and irregular fashion so as to promote change. Ground covers and flowers were also combined naturally in various sizes and heights.

  Also, the variations of the species, forms, sizes and colours of trees and shrubs among the strips  have consciously been kept so as to achieve a shapely, casual and restful effect.


